ShopMate is a complete 'out of the box' solution for companies, small or large, to get selling on the internet fast. You can quickly put your entire stock online using the content management system, easily splitting your products into categories laying it out just how you would in a 'real world' shop.
Every aspect of creating a quality online shop is taken care of, including design and optimisation. All you need to do is upload your logo and choose your company colours and you are ready to shop online. The content management system for the shop is really simple to use and intuitive making creating and running an online shop using ShopMate as easy as 123.
ShopMate couldn't be easier to setup and run, and all this is available for £39.99 per month with no long term contract. If you decide that after one month you dont want to continue with the package then there will be no cancellation fee. You can pay by monthly Direct Debit for only £39.99 or you can pay for 12 months up-front and get 12 months for the price of 10. For more information or to arrange a demonstration email us here.